welcome // localhost
"We depend on the sole natural instinct of a hacker, which is being fascinated by a problem and embracing the challenge it presents. Hackers are inherently anti-authoritarian; any figure of authority possesses the potential to hinder our pursuit of solutions with arbitrary decrees and nonsensical restrictions. It's imperative to combat authoritarianism wherever it rears its stifling head, lest it stifle not just our own creativity but that of fellow hackers. The authoritarian regime thrives on the shadows of censorship, the veil of secrecy, and the iron grip of coercion. They shun the light of transparency, the open exchange of ideas, seeking instead to wield power through manipulation and deception. To embody the spirit of the hacker is to embrace a visceral disdain for these oppressive tactics, to challenge the status quo with every fiber of our being. It is not enough to simply hold these beliefs; we must channel our burst of energy and common desire into action, forging a path towards freedom and truth for all."
Who we are ?
Kun3f3, 4nd0r3x, m3t3hn, seevogel
our goals
Our primary objective at this moment is to revive the dying cybersecurity culture in Turkey and to free the industry from the hands of novices and showmen. In the future, the projects we undertake will be integrated with events and culture in the style of Defcon